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Hernia Surgery

Hernia when simply defined is a weakness/defect in abdominal wall through which insides can protrude and cause all sorts of symptoms such as pain, digestive issues, intestinal obstruction (life threatening emergency). This weakness can develop due to any prior surgery on the abdominal wall or may develop through natural weakness in abdominal wall such as Belly button hernia, inguinal hernia etc. Most patients will notice a bulge or fullness in the affected weakened area which is progressively enlarging and maybe associated with discomfort or even pain. Sometimes this bulge is reducible and sometimes it never goes away. This is a surgical issue and needs to be evaluated by a herniologist (surgeon specialized in treatment of hernia). Once the diagnosis is confirmed and the patient is medically fit to undergo surgery, host of surgical options are available.

Why Ejaz Clinic for Hernia surgery?

The Hernia surgery division at Ejaz Clinic provides facilities for a wide range of options for treatment of simple to complex herniae. We routinely offer surgeries to patients who have failed prior hernia repairs and are looking for definitive options. Both laparoscopic and open surgery options are avaiable for patients to  choose from. When indicated we liberally use "mesh prosthetics" in augmentation of abdominal wall. 

Different types of hernia and its treament

  • Groin hernia such as Inguinal, Femoral, Obturator

  • Incision/Ventral herniae in various locations

In children

  • Laparoscopic high ligation for congenital inguinal hernia

  • Umbilical hernia

  • Inguinal hernia in adolescents


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